
Launch Your Website in Style and Follow These 3 Tips BEFORE You Go Live

3 conseils à suivre avant le lancement de votre site web (pour cartonner le jour J !)

Are you a stonemason, painter or hairdresser who has made the excellent decision to launch your new website? Just remember that no matter your business, there are key steps to follow before your website goes live. With our 3 easy tips, you’ll learn how to land tons of visits (and orders!) from Day One.

By Xavier Beaunieux

1. Create a “coming soon” page

Don’t wait for your website to go live before you start to promote it.  Tell your prospects all about your online store’s imminent launch by creating a “coming soon” page. When you do this, you are building your base of potential new customers.  Just like in film trailers, you will pique the curiosity of Internet users and establish your online presence.

Handy Tip

On launch day, send an email to the mailing list you’ve created and let your subscribers know that the world wide web is now graced with a brand-new website, and quite a decent one!

2. Work your social media presence

Neglecting your social media accounts is simply not an option. It’s time to get on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google + and start to spread the word! Engage with the community that’s connected with your field of activity.  The goal is not necessarily to make friends (although that is possible), but you want to take advantage of other people in your realm of expertise. Take part in discussions and put yourself out there. Accept new followers and regularly remind your contacts that your website’s launch is coming soon!

3. Set up a mini-site or blog

Publish articles that have to do with your activity even before your website goes online and starts to attract a following.  Sharing your digital adventures (and mishaps) will also humanize your project.  And for optimal exposure, share your content (texts, photos, etc.) on your social media platforms.

Handy Tip

Once you’ve launched your website, do not delete your blog. This will be frustrating for your readers! Instead, move it to a separate sub-folder.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Appearing on the Internet before the official launch of your website or online store will help you build a digital history.
  • You’ll save precious time by integrating social media into your marketing strategy.

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